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          Welcome to Xi’an ZunDao Science & Technology Co., Ltd



          hotline +86-029-85381860

          Police speedometerHome > Police speedometer

          Multi-function Speed Radar

          Multi-function Speed Radar


          The Model CS―10 Speed Detection Radar is a gun-shape speed detection device which has more performances and multi-features. It can measure approaching or receding target in stationary way, also in patrols.
          The Model CS-10 not only displays the speed but also displays the states mode. It can indicate
          STA(stationary mode), MOV(moving mode),↑↑(parallel),↑↓(approach), RF(radio frequency interference), TIM (time).
          The Model CS-10 can work in the hand-lock or auto-lock mode. It can find the max value in the range of 6 second from target exceed speed-limited in mode of auto-lock. It adopts the time-chip to process and set the year, month, date, hour and minute. As a typical CW Doppler radar, it acts the leader role by using the WD-2000 micro printer as a peripheral equipment attached to the speed detection radar in China, making the radar’s performance more perfect.



          ⑴ Accuracy:                       better than ±1Km/h
          ⑵ Range of speed:
             a.  Parallel of stationary      10~400Km/h
             b.  Approach of stationary      No speed-limited 32~160Km/h
                                             Speed-limited. The data of speed-limited to
                                             Data of speed-limited+128Km/h
             c.  Parallel of moving          Patrol 10~200Km/h
                                             Target 11+patrol's speed-2/3 patrol's speed
                                             (In this mode, the patrol's speed must>32Km/h;
                                             and slower than target's speed at least 11Km/h)
             d.  Approach of moving          Patrol 10~200Km/h
                                             Target speed-limited~speed-limited+128Km/h,
                                             (The patrol's speed must ≥32Km/h
          ⑶ Detecting range:                >800m      for large target
                            >                500m      for small target
          ⑷ Frequency:                      10,525MHz±25MHz
          ⑸ Transmitting power:             10-40mW
          ⑹ Power supply: Voltage:          11-15.5V(DC)  Current≤1A
          ⑺ Working environment:
                                             Temperature:  -30℃-60℃
                                             Humidity: 90% R.H (30℃)
          ⑻ MTBF:                           > 7500 hrs


